
Employee Spotlight: Derek Staley

Brandywine Technology Employee Spotlight Derek Staley
Derek Staley

Happy New Year, all! It’s time for another Employee Spotlight. This installment, we caught up with Derek Staley, who is currently working for the State of Delaware.

Q: Hi Derek, thanks for spending a little time with us. What are you doing now?

A: I am currently working on a project for the State Fire School, focusing on back-end development and database management.

Q: What were you doing prior to this position?

A: I was a full-time student. I recently graduated from Marshall University with B.S. in Computer Science.

Q: Can you share any of the projects you worked on while in school?

A: One noteworthy internship was with a NASA space grant project. In preparation of the 2017 solar eclipse, 50+ groups from around US were involved in developing a system to launch high altitude balloons with cameras to live stream the eclipse to an audience of millions. These balloons were 18 feet tall and free-floating, which required studying wind patterns to reach an altitude of 72,000 feet. Raspberry pies were secured to balloons to gather data.

Q: That is such a cool project! What does your typical day look like now? Is it much different than life as a student?

A: Managing time has been the biggest challenge. The work environment is a different pace than school. I try to focus on accomplishing 2 or 3 main objectives each day.

Q: What’s next for you? 

A: Building my skills in the field and grow as a software developer.  There is still a lot to learn!

Q: Do you have any advice for anyone that may be considering a career in IT? 

A: Step out of your comfort zone and take a chance.  If in school, get internships done as early as possible.  It will provide the real life experience needed.  Don’t be afraid to apply for a job, even if you think it is out of reach.  Just be honest regarding your abilities and highlight your desire to learn and succeed in the role.

Thanks, Derek, for sharing your experiences with Brandywine Technology and your job with the State of Delaware!  For more information on Brandywine Technology, email [email protected] or call 302.656.6100.